The most common erotic dreams

Do you have erotic dreams? Nothing could be more natural! But you still have to know what they really mean.
Much has been written about the meaning of dreams for generations. But what about erotic dreams? Decryption of the 7 most common erotic reveries from a dream expert.
Dreaming about having sex with a friend
The majority of us have already dreamed of having sex with a friend at some point in our life. Yes, even you! It doesn’t mean that you want this person.
In reality, this dream stems from an emotional overflow that turns into a sex drive at night. Good sometimes (but rarely), it can also be a sign that your friend could be much more than that.
Dreaming of having sex with an ex
As with a friend, dreaming of having an intimate relationship with an ex does not mean that you have regrets, or that you are always attracted to him / her.
This type of dream would actually resurface from your memories. Thus, it is enough to have a reminiscence during the day to dream of your ex. And as with the previous type of dream, it can also mean that you have a renewed interest in this ex.
Dreaming of having a homosexual relationship
Jungian psychology explains that we have all of the feminine and masculine aspects within us. These two aspects make us happy as soon as they are balanced.
The feminine side of a man is called his ‘anima’, and the masculine side of a woman is his ‘animus’. Before continuing, having sex with someone of the same sex may mean it’s time to kiss that side of you.
Dreaming of sleeping with your boss
Sex at work is enormously fantasizing. But dreaming of sleeping with your boss rarely means that you have an attraction for him. Indeed, it seems that this type of erotic dreams appeal to your unconscious and that it is the sign that you want to evolve in your professional status. So, you want – quite symbolically – to “get closer” to your boss.
Dreaming of sleeping with a work colleague
According to dream interpretation expert Medium Christina, sexual dreams are mostly a mark of attention to your inner qualities.
So, when it relates to a co-worker, it deals with your professional qualities but also with those that you appreciate in your employees. This type of dream can also have the value of will
Dreaming of having a very intense orgasm
Our sexual desire is the creative force of the universe and experiencing an intense orgasm is the reward for cultivating your power”, decrypts Medium Christina. An intense orgasm in a dream often occurs when you feel good, above all, free and sensually balanced.
Dreaming of failing to reach orgasm
The inability to reach orgasm could symbolize a frustration that you are currently experiencing in your life,” says the specialist. Conflicting emotions, desire to get something … so many ambiguous feelings that make you dream of sexual breakdown.